
Monday, March 18, 2013

5 Type a Make Healthy Diet

Diet is often a way to get the ideal body weight, but it is not the only goal. Diet may also mean modifying the diet to obtain normal blood pressure, keeping the mood, and even better health.
Here are 5 types of diets that can banish disease and make you healthier:
1. Low glycemic index dietThis diet is based on the idea that carbohydrates lead to increased blood sugar levels quickly should be avoided. This diet focuses on carbohydrates the "right" to keep the blood sugar levels stay balanced.
Foods that have a low glycemic index such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, beans. You can combine it with fruits and vegetables.
2. Vegetarian dietVegetarian is often associated with the interests of culture, religion, and ecology, but actually being a vegetarian is also beneficial to health. According to the American Heart Association, several studies have shown that vegetarians have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
The whole vegetarian diet, although there were still contain eggs and dairy products, often contains saturated fat and less cholesterol and more complex carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, and E, and carotenoids compared with diet containing meat.
3. DASH DietDASH is an acronym of "dietary approaches to stop hypertension" or "diet that aims to treat hypertension" is a diet that is triggered by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to lower blood pressure. This diet emphasizes a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fat-free or low-fat, whole grains, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds. This diet also contains less sodium, sugar, fat, and red meat.
This diet will quickly lower blood pressure, and suggested offset this diet with regular exercise. A study showed that systolic blood pressure will go down by 16 points and diastolic by 10 points.
4. Diet low gluten or gluten freeGluten is a type of protein found in carbohydrates such as whole grain products, rice. Diets that restrict or eliminate gluten is often needed for patients who suffer from intestinal disorders (celiac disease), in which the immune system response to gluten cause injury or damage to the small intestine. This then inhibits the body to absorb essential nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. This diet requires people to avoid various jeni bread, pasta, and cereal into their diet.
5. Ketogenic dietKetogenic diet is not the kind of diet that suits everyone. This type of diet is preferred for people who suffer from epilepsy (especially children) and are not able to respond to the drug. This diet contains a ratio of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are very specific which is about 80 percent fat, 15 percent protein and 5 percent carbohydrates.
The recommended foods in the diet are foods that contain lots of fat such as ice cream, bacon, eggs, sausage, shrimp, tuna, mayonnaise and other foods that contain high fat and low carbohydrate. Besides diet also avoid foods that contain carbohydrates and simple sugars such as fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta. According to the Mayo Clicic side effect of this diet is dehydration, lack of energy, and easily hungry.

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