So, breakfast instead of origin include food or drink into the body, but also to consider the nutritional content in it.
One egg or one glass of milk for breakfast is still not enoughAccording Hardinsyah who is also Professor of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), there are still many people who incorrectly interpret breakfast. This may be because there are still many who do not know the benefits of breakfast. Breakfast could not be construed to eat breakfast or drink morning.
At the very least, the breakfast should contain a balance of carbohydrates and protein, plus vitamins and minerals."One egg or one glass of milk for breakfast is still not enough. At least the breakfast menu can consist of rice, side dishes protein such as eggs, cucumber slices or tomatoes, apples or bananas sabutir and drink,
"he said."The need for vitamins and minerals are the most difficult to meet at breakfast. Unlike carbohydrates and proteins are relatively easily obtained only from rice and side dishes. So as much as possible remain insert vegetables or fruits in breakfast,
"he added.Directorate General Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health Ministry Slamet Riyadi Yuwono adding that breakfast is very important for children's intelligence.
"Breakfast is especially important for school age children. At this age, the brain is still developing during the crucial intelligence thought, behavior, and emotional.
"According to him, the habit of breakfast, school children will be smarter and will grow to generations to develop the nation and the state. So he has always supported the efforts of the various parties who are always informed about healthy breakfast.
Not only useful for thinking skills, physical activity, and emotional. Apparently, breakfast is also useful to improve discipline. Hardinsyah confirmed, many scientific studies that prove the importance of breakfast, but related benefit in improving the discipline has not been known.
"Breakfast is done from 5 pm until 9 in the morning. So, if you used the breakfast, would get up early, both to prepare and eat. Especially if there is a time limit in school, would be disciplined again, "he said.
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